About This Study
The Economic Impact of California Wine and Grapes 2022 was commissioned by Wine Institute and the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG) to measure the contributions of the California wine industry to local, state and national economies. For a copy of the methodology, click here. California produces 80% of all U.S. wine and the industry makes a significant contribution to the economy of the nation and all 50 states. The report, prepared by John Dunham & Associates, calculates the full economic impact of California winegrapes and wine in terms of employment, wages, taxes, tourism spending and visits and charitable giving using standard and widely accepted methodology which includes direct, indirect and induced economic impact in order to present the full picture. The IMPLAN model, developed by the U.S. Forest Service and University of Minnesota, is used by many companies around the world as well as government agencies such as the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Economic Research Service and Federal Reserve Bank.